Teacher Ed@Drake Day

    Friday, February 7, 2025 at 10:00 AM until 2:00 PMCentral Standard Time UTC -06:00

    Drake University
    Olmsted Center
    2875 University Avenue
    Des Moines, IA 50311
    United States

    Teacher Ed @ Drake Day Header
    Teacher Ed@Drake Day is designed for high school seniors and transfer students and their families to explore the benefits of Drake’s School of Education.

    The visit program will include an overview on Drake's School of Education, interaction with School of Education faculty and current students in an education class, tour of  the School of Education's facility, Collier Scripps Hall, complimentary lunch on campus, Parent / Family member session, student panel, optional student-led campus tour, and the opportunity to meet Drake’s live mascot, Griff II.
